Planting Day


Today is the day I've been waiting for... planting day!  My little vegetables plants have sprouted and begun to get too big for the little containers I started the seeds in!  Now that my garden bed is built, and filled  my little crops are ready for their new home!  Because I am using the Square Foot Gardening Method, I used garden tape to mark off each square foot in the bed.  My bed is 4'x8' so I have 32 squares to plant in.

I used the garden plan I created at as a guide so that I would know where each plant would go, and how many would go in each square.  Most of my transplants had developed four sets of true leaves, but some had not, so they weren't ready to be put in the ground.

When transplanting, it's important to wait until the evening, that way, the soil is cooler and can retain moisture for the newly planted roots.  My brother and my boyfriend helped me plant until way after dark, but we got it done, and I am so pleased!  I think my little bed is just beautiful!

This is how my bed looks now that it's got some green in it.

In the top 8 squares, I planned on planting Bell Peppers, but I am having the hardest time getting them to sprout/grow, they are taking forever, so those squares will stay empty for now.  

This was a big step in the whole gardening process, and I'm glad to have it done.  Now, my job is fairly easy, just sit back and let them grow!

** Update **

Remember the 4th grade petri dish (aka wet paper towels in a Ziploc container) method I tried?  It didn't work.  After about two weeks, the only thing that grew was tons of slimey green mold, and the smell was horrible!  Tonight I sowed Bell Pepper seeds for the third time... Let's hope something happens!


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